No. 3 Insulated Copper Wire Scrap
No. 3 Insulated Copper Wire Scrap consists of assorted plastic insulated unalloyed copper wire. It can contain heavy or double insulation wires and plastic insulated telephone cables.
typical usage
Household wiring, telephone cables

Copper Insulated Jelly Wire
Scrap copper insulated jelly wire is another very low grade of copper insulated wire. It will have multiple insulated wires inside a larger insulated case and it is defined by the jelly like nature of the smaller wires. Jelly wires will have a jelly like substance coating the smaller wires that make it less valuable.
typical usage
Under ground communication wire for large telecommunication companies

Scrap Copper Insulated Wire Number 2 30-35%
Scrap copper insulated wire 30-35% is a very low grade of copper insulated wire. It will have multiple insulated wires inside a larger insulated case. You will notice that there is a lot more insulation present than there is copper wire. The lower grades of insulated copper wire are noticeably different than the higher grades because the copper wires are very thin.
typical usage
household wiring

Scrap Copper Insulated Wire Number 2 40-45%
Scrap copper insulated wire 40-45% is a lower grade of insulated wire. It has less copper content then the amount of plastic insulation used. It will typically have several strands of insulated copper wires inside another insulated jacket.
typical usage
Household wiring, Extension cords without the ends

Scrap Copper Insulated Wire Number 2 50-55%
Scrap copper insulated wire 55-50% is a lower grade of insulated wire, classified as no. 2 copper wire. It has almost equal amounts of copper and plastic insulation. The reason it is called 50% is that the recovery of copper is only 50% of the entire weight of the product.
typical usage
Communication wire

Scrap Copper Insulated Wire Number 1 65%
65% Insulated scrap copper wire (INS 65%) is the fifth highest grade of copper wire. It is classified as 65% because there is 65% copper content versus only 35 % insulation or insulated jacket around the copper wires. Insulated copped wire 65% will hold a shape when bend you bend it.
typical usage
Commercial underground wiring, electrical panels

Scrap Copper Insulated Wire Number 1 70-75%
70-75% Insulated scrap copper wire (INS 70%) is the fourth highest grade of copper wire. It is classified as 70-75% because there is 70-75% copper content versus only 25-30 % insulation or insulated jacket around the copper wires. Insulated copped wire 70-75% will hold a shape when bend you bend it.
typical usage
Commercial underground wiring, electrical panels

Scrap Copper Insulated Wire Number 1 80-85%
80-85% Insulated scrap copper wire (INS 80%) is the highest grade of copper wire. It is classified as 80-85% because there is a high recovery of 80-85% copper content versus only 15-20 % insulation or jacket around the copper wires. Insulated copper wire 80-85% will have individual strands of wire where the copper strand is larger than a pencil lead.
typical usage
Commercial underground wiring, electrical panels

Scrap Copper Bare Bright & Shiny
No.1 Bare Bright Copper Wire consist of bare, uncoated, unalloyed copper wire that is larger than 16 gauge. It is bright and shiny, just like its name. It refers to wires only, and copper pipes are not allowed. Also, green wire is not allowed in this category. No.1 Bare Bright Copper Wire is one of the most valuable and highly paid grade of copper scrap.
typical usage
Copper wires and cables (stripped of their outer plastic coating)

Scrap Copper Sheet
Scrap copper sheet is a thin gauge of copper and typically comes in a sheet form. Hence the name copper sheet. It will either be shiny in appearance, dull or sometimes it will even be green from oxidation. The green oxidation tells you that the grade of copper is a much lesser grade than found in copper #1 tubing and thus commands a lower price at scrap metal recycling yards.
typical usage
Roofing in high-end residential homes and roofing or flashing on commercial buildings

Scrap Copper Tubing #2
Scrap copper #2 tubing is different than copper number one tubing in a many ways. The most noticeable difference between the two classifications of scrap copper is that copper #2 tubing does not have a shiny look to it. Scrap copper #2 tubing will also be old looking in appearance, and will usually have solder joints on it, and typically will be dirty.
typical usage
Plumbing, water lines, AC Lines.

Scrap Copper Tubing #1
Scrap copper #1 tubing is the highest grade of scrap copper tubing sold to scrap metal recycling yards. Copper #1 tubing has a shiny look to it much like a new penny. Copper #1 will not have any green tinge to it, nor will it have dirt, grease, or grim on it.